MSc students
Jean-Pierre de Villiers (current)
Topic of study: First-order theories of complete ordered structuresMichelle Michau
Topic of study: Structural and logical properties of the Rado graph
Honours essay students
Michelle Michau, Coordinatisation of Projective Planes: The Relationship Between Algebraic Properties of a Ternary Ring and Geometric Properties of a Projective Plane, 2019
Jean-Pierre de Villiers, On the First-Order Theory of Binary Trees, 2018
Laurie Harrison, Secure Aggregation of Distributed Information: A New Form of Encryption Without the Use of Prime Numbers, 2015
Elre van Zyl, Secure Aggregation of Distributed Information: An Introduction, 2015
Daniela Casilli, Logically Equivalent Coloured Linear Orders, 2014
Topics for honours essays
The following topics are available for students who wish to write their honours essays under my supervision:
Coordinatising affine and projective planes using ternary rings
Does the Collatz Algorithm show chaotic behaviour? (co-supervised with Stefan Grüner)
Solving a game of 4x4 micro-chess (co-supervised with Stefan Grüner)